X Games 15 SuperPark

Well, X Games 15 is over and somehow all I saw was a little of the big air contest, a little of the big air rail contest and MotoX contest where you are trying to jump the highest. I have got alot to catch up on as far as the skateboarding…I mean, that’s all I really care about. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love watching the rest of it too and would if I could. I was trying to find video of the contest I was most looking forward too and that is the Skateboard Park Legends. I have still only found some pics and results but no video except an early practice video. The picture above of the skateboard park is insane! It is so monsterous compared to anything I have skated. It would definitely take me awhile of rolling along the bottom before working up my nerves to try even to get up the walls high enough to grind I think. Given the chance to skate this, I definitely would and I would definitely pad up.

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